Albert North is a vibrant new business community located in Middlesbrough’s Historic Quarter
Made up of 10 historic buildings along a key thoroughfare between Middlesbrough Rail Station and the town centre’s retail and leisure core, the significant regeneration project has created quality space made fit for modern use.
Various investment opportunities are available for B2B and B2C businesses, including space suitable for offices, urban living developments and food and drink operators.
The development is designed to accommodate new and growing businesses as well as larger companies, with leisure units starting at 550 sq ft and office space units starting at 750 sq ft. Each business space is a blank canvas, allowing you to fit out the space to your own bespoke design and requirements.

Current tenants include food and drink operators, fitness studios and award-winning digital businesses. Tenants benefit from high speed broadband, rent and business rate incentives and free public health initiatives for employers.
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